The Shandon Congregational Church
est. 1803

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A History
Of our Church
The Shandon Congregational Church started in the homes of Welsh settlers in 1803. After construction of "The Old Welsh Church Building"--or what is now called, "The Community House"--was completed in 1823, church services and functions were held there.
As the country grew and expanded, so did the community of Shandon and its neighbors. To accommodate a growing a community, a new place of worship was constructed in 1855. This location is still used for our worship services, and we have made substantial additions to this building, such as our 'Education Wing', which includes classrooms for adults and up-to-date spaces for our youth services.
We continue to cherish the gifts provided to us from our ancestors. Our Community House, for instance, is still used for many of our community functions, like our yearly Strawberry Festival. (Please see 'Events' for more information)
Our mission
To make the most of these, including others gifts we receive, our church aims to honor the past while attending to the challenges we face in the present.
Therefore, we are committed to:
Serving Families through various programs like lay counseling, our Youth Group, our Young Adults' group, our Adult educational classes, etc​
Serving our community by partnering with local non-profits like RAMM, Bunker Hill, etc
Honoring our past through the 'Congregation
Cultivating fertile grounds for spiritual freedom and curiosity by assisting each person through questions of theology, philosophy, and religion.
National Association of Congregational Christian Churches

The Shandon Congregational Church is an affiliate of the NACCC.
That means we believe:
Christ alone is the head of the church;
All church members are spiritually equal and called to the work of ministry;
Every local church is autonomous and complete;
Each local church is called into wider associations of fellowship;
Believers are bound to one another in voluntary covenant;
Every Christian possesses full liberty of conscience in interpreting the Gospel]
The Bible is fully sufficient as our guide in matters of faith and practice and will inspire individuals and direct the church with fresh light and truth for every generation.